Good news! All branch lobbies will be re-opening Monday May 10, 2021. We cannot wait to have customers back in the branches. We’ve missed you! We want you to know that we are committed to providing a safe environment where the well-being of our staff and customers is top priority. We will follow social distancing as much as possible and be continuously sanitizing shared spaces and frequently touched items. To comply with state ordinances, we are continuing to ask staff and customers to wear masks inside the branches. But please note: we may ask you to temporarily remove mask in...
Northfield Lobby Open
Effective immediately our Northfield Branch lobby is open for customer and teller services. We ask that all customers coming into the branch wear a face mask and follow social distancing guidelines. If you have concerns about your health or are ill, please stay home. We encourage the use of mobile, online, and phone banking, night drop and ATMs. Lobbies in West Concord and Dennison remain closed but drive-through windows are operating as normal. Our Bankers and Tellers are always available via phone or email if you need assistance.
Masks Now Required
The lobby in our Northfield branch is open! As of July 25, 2020, per the Governor’s Executive Order 20-81, everyone will be required to wear a face covering when entering the bank. If you prefer not to wear one, we are happy to assist you in our drive-up. We continue to encourage our customers to use other banking services offered by Heritage Bank MN, including: Mobile banking, including mobile deposit Online Banking and Online Bill-Pay Night Deposit Box ATM (deposit taking in Northfield) Telebanc (888) 527-7127 Our customer service representatives, bankers and lenders are available via phone during regular business...
Northfield lobby is now OPEN!
Please review the following guidelines before visiting. Do NOT come in if you have a cough, fever or are feeling ill. Practice social distancing and maintain a minimum of 6-foot distance from others. Hand sanitizer will be available in the lobby for use before and after transactions. Employees will be following increased cleaning and disinfecting. Safety shields have been installed at the teller line and on bankers desks. Our Dennison and West Concord lobbies remain closed, but drive-thru windows are operating as normal. We encourage the use of mobile and online banking, which are available for free, 24 hours a...

Supporting Your Community During COVID-19
It’s a good time to come together. Showing support to your local community during times of duress is something that we all can do — in many different ways! At Heritage Bank, we know that it can be difficult to think past day-to-day right now. This is completely understandable. Prioritize what you need, and know that our team is here to help in any way that we can. Also, know that giving back does not just come in a monetary form. There are many things we can do during this time to support our neighbors and help look out for...

Now Available: Online Consumer Loans
Our team at Heritage Bank is excited to announce that we are now offering an online application process for consumer loans. If you are in need of a personal loan for an RV, boat, auto, etc., you can complete the application with just a few clicks right here on our website. Our hope is that this option will make navigating loans a little bit easier during these uncertain times. If you have any questions about the application, or about your banking in general, please give us a call. Note that our lobbies remain closed, but we are still open for...

Heritage Bank Will Remain Open!
With the stay-at-home order for Minnesota on everyone’s mind, we wanted to assure you that banks are considered an essential business during this crisis. Our lobbies are currently closed to customers, but our drive-thru windows are operating as normal, and you will always have access to your funds with our online and mobile banking options. Here are our hours of operation: Dennison Office: 507-645-5929Drive-up hours: Mon/Tues/Wed/Fri – 7:30am to 5:00pm and Thurs – 7:30am to 6:00pm Northfield Office: 507-645-6736Drive-up hours: Monday through Friday – 7:30am – 5:00pm Saturday: 9:00am – 12:00pm West Concord Office: 507-527-2236Drive-up hours: Monday through Thursday – 7:30am – 4:30pm and Friday –...

Lobbies closed, drive-ups open!
Effective Wednesday, March 18, 2020, our lobbies will be closed to regular traffic. This decision was to protect the health of our customers and employees and to ensure we are practicing the social distancing recommended by the state and federal government. We realize the current situation is evolving daily and are unsure at this time when our lobbies will re-open. While our lobbies may be closed, we are still operating as usual. The drive-ups at our Northfield, West Concord, and Dennison locations are open regular business hours, as well as the walk-up at our Dennison branch. At this time, we...

Taking extra steps for your health and well-being!
The well-being of our customers, employees, and communities we serve are of utmost importance to us. With that, we felt it necessary to give you an update on the precautions we are taking at our locations regarding COVID-19. While cleanliness is always a priority for us, we have implemented more frequent cleaning and disinfecting of our branches. Throughout the day, our staff are disinfecting their work areas regularly, as well as washing and sanitizing their hands. All employees who are experiencing any symptoms of illness are required to stay home. Again, the health of our customers, staff, and community are...

Talking to Your Teenager About Money
As a parent, you’re used to handling your family’s money. You buy the groceries, pay the mortgage and the car loan… and the list, unfortunately, goes on and on. But as your children get older, it becomes clear that teaching them how to handle money is extremely important to their success in adulthood. Although this can be an intimidating topic to address, we have a few tips to get the conversation started. Help Them Open a Savings and Checking Account Start joint accounts with your teenager that you both can access. This is especially important for them when they get...